Dynamics of the Einstein vacuum equations about the Schwarzschild black hole interior, Grigorios Fournodavlos, Sorbonne Université.


We will talk about the dynamical behavior of the Schwarzschild black hole singularity, in the context of the Einstein equations in vacuum, from the point of view of the Cauchy problem in general relativity. As it is well known, the Schwarzschild singularity is highly unstable under arbitrarily small perturbations, which makes the study of its dynamics in full generality a difficult problem. We will begin by giving an overview of the current status of the near-Schwarzschild-black hole interior problem and we will compare it to the dynamics observed near other singularity models, in black hole interiors or Big Bangs. Then we will discuss linear and non-linear partial results in the near-Schwarzschild case, both backwards and forwards in time, with and without symmetries.



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